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Investment calculator

Use our calculator to see how the value of an investment could change under different market conditions.

Enter how much you’d like to start investing with and how much you can add each month. Then, choose an investment risk level. The calculator will then show you how the value of the investment could change over time, depending on the market performance.

Our investment calculator can help you to:

  • see the potential value of an investment by the time you stop investing
  • understand how different market conditions could affect the value of the investment
  • understand how the value of an investment could change with different levels of risk.

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Possible Investment values when you stop monthly contributions
Good market conditions -
Intermediate market conditions -
Poor market conditions -
Good market conditions Intermediate market conditions Poor market conditions
Possible Investment values when you stop monthly contributions
- - -

Based on the information you've entered, the graph above shows how the value of your investment could change in 3 different market conditions.


The table above shows what the value of your investment could be when you've said you'll stop adding monthly contributions to your investment.


The graph and table above are just illustrations of future performance and therefore are not reliable indicators of actual future performance.


If you choose to invest, please be aware that the value of investments, and any income from them, could go down as well as up, and you may not get back what you invest. This may also happen as a result of exchange rate fluctuations, as some investments have exposure to overseas markets. Investing should be seen as a medium- to long-term proposition, for example at least five years.

The information on this page doesn't constitute a solicitation of the sale or recommendation of, or advice on any products. You should not act on such information without seeking professional advice. You should also consider whether any products are appropriate in view of your own circumstances, including not only your risk tolerance, but also your financial situation, investment knowledge and/or experience, Investment objectives and preferred investment period.

What do we mean by 'risk level'?

Very low - you're generally comfortable with achieving a very low level of potential return on your investment coupled with a very low risk of investment loss.

Low - you're generally comfortable with achieving a low level of potential return on your investment coupled with a low level risk of investment loss.

Balanced - you're generally comfortable with achieving a moderate level of potential return on your investment coupled with a moderate risk of investment loss.

High - you're generally comfortable with achieving a high level of potential return on your investment coupled with high risk of investment loss.

Very High - you're generally comfortable with achieving a very high level of potential return on investment coupled with a very high risk of investment loss.

HSBC UK Bank plc is not responsible for any loss, damage or other consequences of any kind that you may incur or suffer as a result of, arising from or relating to your use of or reliance on the information shown on this page. HSBC UK Bank plc gives no guarantee, representation or warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information shown.

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